Special Duty Responders

Special Duty Responders turn out during an emergency to lead the Red Feather Quick Response Team (QRT) to the site of an emergency and to direct traffic. CLVFD contracts with the Red Feather QRT for all medical emergencies. Since Crystal Lakes Fire Protection District contains more than 87 miles of road, it is necessary to lead Red Feather and Poudre Valley Hospital Ambulances to medical emergencies and then to the Landing Zone or back to CR73C. Crystal Lakes Roads are narrow and often snow packed. To insure the safety of all emergency responders, CLVFD and RFLVFD, it is often necessary to reroute traffic or even block roads temporarily. Landing Zones need to be protected from passing traffic or sightseers. The special duty responders handle traffic control during any type of emergency.
Special duty responders may also serve as Medical First Responders or choose to train with the firefighters on trucks and pumps to supply added manpower when needed. These responding members, while not able to function as firefighters, choose to help the department within the limits of their own abilities. This is welcomed but not required.
All necessary equipment is supplied for all special duty responders, who are equipped with traffic control cones, vests, helmets, jackets, flags, flashlights and carry pagers and radios. Whenever possible, special duty responders work in teams of two.
The CLVFD is fortunate to have our Special Duty Responders, who take on a lot of necessary duties, freeing firefighters up to focus on fighting fires. Many members are married couples who work together as a team to support the fire department, or opt to separate into firefighter and special duty responder. This makes fire department activities family oriented and friendly.