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SENATE BILL 03-139 (§ 1-7-908, C.R.S.) NOTICE


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the Board of Directors of the above referenced political subdivision (the “District”) of the information required under Section 1-7-908, Colorado Revised Statutes.


General Fund Information

YearRevenuesExpendituresEnding Balance
2011$111,574.63$ 84,271.64$27,302.99
2015 (projected)105,000.0095,041.0010,959.00

Station Remodel/Bond Fund Information

The District currently has no bond indebtedness.  The current funding request will be monitored through an account separate from the District’s general operating funds.  The bond retirement account for the current request will be listed as “Capital Outlay – Building Renovation”.


Short Term Debt Information

The District has not had, and does not have, any short-term debt or other financial obligation incurred for cash-flow purposes.

YearAmount Incurred During Fiscal Year
2015 (projected)$-0-

 Emergency Reserve

The District’s emergency reserve required by Section 20(5) of Article X of the Colorado Constitution is held in the District’s Capital Improvement Fund - Building/Vehicle.


The District’s emergency reserve fund has been fully funded by cash or investments for the current fiscal year and each of the last four fiscal years.


Financial Information Review

The District’s audited financial statements for the last four fiscal years, any management letters that have been made public and have been provided to the District by its auditors in connection with the preparation of its audits for the last four fiscal years, and the District’s budget for the current fiscal year may be reviewed by any person at the following location or locations:

All financial statements for the last four fiscal years, and any management letters that have been made public and have been provided to the district by its auditors in connection with financial statements for the last four fiscal years, including the district’s current budget documents, are available for inspection by appointment at the Crystal Lakes Fire Protection District Fire Station, 237 Blackfoot Road, Red Feather Lakes, CO  80545.  CLFPD budgets and reports are also viewable on the District’s web page:


 Short term debt means cash-flow debt or other financial obligation that has a term of not more than one year.