August 9, 2017 | Fire Station Update

Everything has been going very well so far in the remodel of the fire station. Although the final completion date has been moved back to mid-September, the substantial completion is still slated for August 31st, allowing us to begin moving back into the building in the first part of September
Recent noticeable changes include completion of the outside siding and wainscoting and inside wall-boarding. Painting of both the exterior and interior has begun, and the roll-up doors will be installed soon. Once that’s completed, the parking pad on the west end of the station will be poured, along with the V-pan that will run along base of the hill south of the station and improve drainage significantly (with the goal of preventing the “lake” that forms between the station and the hillside every winter). Final completion includes the usual wrap-up things--interior doors, railings, bathroom fixtures, light fixtures, etc, plus some fire station specific tasks such as adding signage, connecting the station power to our fuel station, installing the new SCBA system, installing the new exhaust system, and so forth.
We’ve added one feature not in the original plans, which is an emergency phone next to the west entrance of the station that will be available to the public 24/7 as a direct line to 911.
All in all, things are moving along and we’re very pleased with the results so far. Our thanks again to the support of the community, which has allowed us to make these necessary upgrades to our station.